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Detection Of Nonaligned Double Jpeg CompressionBased On Integer Periodicity Maps 3. Multibiometric Cryptosystems Based OnFeature-Level Fusion 4. Interference Removal Operation For SpreadSpectrum Fingerprinting Scheme 5. Manipulation Detection On Image Patches UsingFusionboost JAVA-MULTIMEDIA PROJECT TITLE 1. Path Modeling And Retrieval In Distributed VideoSurveillance Databases 2. Efficient Genre-Specific Semantic Video Indexing 3. Weakly Supervised Graph Propagation TowardsCollective Image Parsing(Cbir) 4. Hierarchical Co-Clustering: A New Way ToOrganize The Music Data JAVA-IMAGE PROCESSING PROJECT TITLE 1. Anomaly Detection And Reconstruction From RandomProjections 2. Non-Parametric Bayesian Dictionary Learning ForSparse Image Representations 3. An Alternating Minimization Algorithm For BinaryImage Restoration 4. Web And Personal Image Annotation By Mining Label Correlation With Rel GraphEmbedding JAVA-NETWORKING PROJECT TITLE 1. Performance Of Pcn-Based Admission Control UnderChallenging Conditions 2. Independent Directed Acyclic Graphs ForResilient Multipath Routing 3. A Quantization Theoretic Perspective OnSimulcast And Layered Multicast Optimization JAVA-MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECT TITLE 1. Compressed-Sensing-EnabledVideo Streaming ForWireless Multimedia Sensor Networks 2. On ReliableBroadcast In Low Duty-Cycle WirelessSensor Networks 3. Resource-Aware Video Multicasting Via AccessGateways In Wireless Mesh Networks 4. SmoothTrade-Ofvd Between Throughput And DelayIn Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 5. EnhancingPrivacy And Accuracy In ProbeVehicle-Based Traffic Monitoring ViaVirtual JAVA-DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING PROJECT TITLE 1. Agglomerative Mean-Shift Clustering 2. A Link-Based Cluster Ensemble Approach ForCategorical Data Clustering 3. An Efficient Formulation Of The Improved VisualAssessment Of Cluster Tendency (Ivat) Algorithm 4. Software Fault Prediction Using Quad Tree-BasedK-Means Clustering Algorithm 5. Weakly Supervised Joint Sentiment-TopicDetection From Text 6. Document Clustering In Correlation SimilarityMeasure Space DOT NET-PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS PROJECT TITLE 1. On Optimizing Overlay Topologies For Search InUnstructured Peer-To-Peer Networks 2. Improving End-To-End Routing Performance OfGreedy Forwarding In Sensor Networks 3. Balancing The Trade-Ofvd Between Query Delay AndData Availability In Manets 4. A Network Coding Equivalent Content DistributionScheme For Efficient Peer-To-Peer Interactive Vod Streaming 5. Revisiting Dynamic Query Protocols InUnstructured Peer-To-Peer Networks 6. Toward P2p-Based Multimedia Sharing In UserGenerated Contents 7. A Framework For Routing Performance Analysis InDelay Tolerant Networks With Application To Noncooperative Networks DOT NET-NETWORK SECURITY PROJECT TITLE 1. Dictionary-Based Face Recognition Under VariableLighting And Pose 2. Nonparametric Steganalysis Of Qim SteganographyUsing Approximate Entropy 3. Cost-Sensitive Semi-Supervised DiscriminantAnalysis For Face Recognition 4. An Extended Visual Cryptography Algorithm ForGeneral Access Structures 5. Separable Reversible Data Hiding In EncryptedImage DOT NET-MULTIMEDIA PROJECT TITLE 1. Robust Watermarking Of Compressed And EncryptedJpeg2000 Images 2. Hidden-Concept Driven Multilabel ImageAnnotation And Label Ranking 3. Multimodal Video Indexing And Retrieval UsingDirected Information 4. Probabilistic Motion Diffusion Of LabelingPriors For Coherent Video Segmentation 5. Joint Source-Channel Coding And Optimization For Layered Video Broadcasting To Heterogeneous Devices Data Engineering PROJECT TITLE 1. Continuous detour queries in spatial networks 2. A decision-theoretic framework for numericalattribute value reconciliation 3. Dense subgraph extraction with application tocommunity detection 4. Efficient computation of range aggregatesagainst uncertain location-based queries 5. Energy-efficient reverse skyline queryprocessing over wireless sensor networks 6. Evaluating path queries over frequently updatedroute collections 7. Model-based method for projective clustering 8. Saturn: range queries, load balancing and faulttolerance in dht data systems 9. Segmentation and sampling of moving objecttrajectories based on representativeness 10. Locally discriminative coclustering 11. Low-rank kernel matrix factorization forlarge-scale evolutionary clustering 12. Query planning for continuous aggregationqueries over a network of 13. Data aggregators 14. Scalable scheduling of updates in streaming datawarehouses 15. Software fault prediction using quad tree-basedk-means clustering algorithm 16. A framework for personal mobile commerce patternmining and prediction 17. An efficient formulation of the improved visualassessment of cluster tendency (ivat) algorithm 18. Improving aggregate recommendation diversityusing ranking-based techniques 19. Synthesizing ontology alignment methods usingthe max-sum algorithm 20. Understanding errors in approximate distributedlatent dirichlet allocation 21. Anónimos: an lp-based approach for anonymizingweighted social network graphs 22. Cluster-oriented ensemble classifier: impact ofmulticluster characterization on ensemble classifier learning 23. Fast elastic peak detection for massspectrometry data mining 24. Ddd: a new ensemble approach for dealing withconcept drift 25. Fuzzy orders-of-magnitude-based link analysisfor qualitative alias detection 26. Optimizing bloom filter settings in peer-to-peermultikeyword searching 27. Tree-based mining for discovering patterns ofhuman interaction in meetings 28. A genetic programming approach to recorddeduplication 29. A link-based cluster ensemble approach forcategorical data clustering 30. A probabilistic scheme for keyword-basedincremental query construction 31. Efficiently indexing large sparse graphs forsimilarity search 32. Extending attribute information for small dataset classification 33. Resilient identity crime detection 34. Road: a new spatial object search framework forroad networks 35. Slicing: a new approach for privacy preservingdata publishing 36. Effective and efficient shape-based patterndetection over streaming time series 37. Mining low-support discriminative patterns fromdense and 38. High-dimensional data 39. Privacy preserving decision tree learning usingunrealized data sets 40. Effective pattern discovery for text mining 41. Efficient processing of uncertain events inrule-based systems 42. Fractal-based intrinsic dimension estimation andits application in 43. Dimensionality reduction 44. Identifying evolving groups in dynamic multimodenetworks 45. Learning a propagable graph for semisupervisedlearning: classification and regression 46. Mutual information-based supervised attributeclustering for 47. Microarray sample classification 48. Tscan: a content anatomy approach to temporal topic summarization JAVA Projects PROJECT TITLE 1. Local Broadcast Algorithms in Wireless Ad HocNetworks Reducing the Number of Transmissions 2. Low Power Consumption Solutions for MobileInstant Messaging 3. MAC in Motion Impact of Mobility on the MAC ofDrive-Thru Internet 4. Maximum Entropy Principle-Based Algorithm forSimultaneous Resource Location 5. and Multihop Routing in Multiagent Networks 6. Mining Spectrum Usage Data A Large-ScaleSpectrum Measurement Study 7. OLM Opportunistic Layered Multicasting forScalable IPTV over Mobile WiMAX 8. On Reliable Broadcast in Low Duty-Cycle WirelessSensor Networks 9. Nature-Inspired Self-Organization, Control, andOptimization in Heterogeneous 10. Wireless Networks 11. On the Origins of Heavy-Tailed Delay in DynamicSpectrum Access Networks 12. Positional Accuracy Measurement and ErrorModeling for Mobile Tracking 13. ProSpect A Proactive Spectrum Handoff Frameworkfor Cognitive Radio 14. Ad Hoc Networks without Common Control Channel 15. Protecting Location Privacy in Sensor Networksagainst a Global Eavesdropper 16. Relay-Assisted Transmission with FairnessConstraint for Cellular Networks 17. Resource-Aware Video Multicasting via AccessGateways in Wireless Mesh Networks 18. Resource-Optimized Quality-Assured AmbiguousContext Mediation Framework in Pervasive Environments 19. Risk-Aware Distributed Beacon Scheduling forTree-Based ZigBee Wireless Networks 20. Scalable Activity-Travel Pattern MonitoringFramework for Large-Scale City Environment 21. Secure Initialization of Multiple ConstrainedWireless Devices for an Unaided User 22. Shaping Throughput Profiles in Multihop WirelessNetworks Resource-Biasing Approach Asp.Net Projects Php Projects PROJECT TITLE 1. Online Hospital Management 2. Online Auction System 3. Online Shopping 4. Scrapbook 5. Online Photo Gallery System 6. Flexifoto 7. Photo Album 8. Online Job Recruitment system 9. Online Banking System 10. Advanced Ticketing System 11. Online Movie Ticket Reservation System 12. Student Information System 13. Attendance Management System 14. Online Shopping Project 15. Development of a feature-rich, Resume BuilderApplication 16. Content System Management 17. Online Documentation 18. Visa Processing 19. Active Calendar 20. Library Management System MBA Projects Data Mining Projects PROJECT TITLE 1. A Genetic Programming Approach to RecordDeduplication 2. A Knowledge-Driven Approach to ActivityRecognition in Smart Homes 3. A Framework for Personal Mobile Commerce PatternMining and Prediction 4. A Link-Based Cluster Ensemble Approach forCategorical Data Clusterin 5. A Multidimensional Sequence Approach toMeasuring Tree Similarity 6. A Query Formulation Language for the Data Web 7. A Temporal Pattern Search Algorithm for PersonalHistory Event Visualization 8. A Variational Bayesian Framework for Clusteringwith Multiple Graphs 9. Agglomerative Mean-Shift Clustering 10. Clustered Adaptation for Estimation ofTime-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels 11. Continuous Top-k Dominating Queries 12. Creating Evolving User Behavior ProfilesAutomatically 13. D-Cache Universal Distance Cache for MetricAccess Methods 14. Effective and Efficient Shape-Based PatternDetection over Streaming Time Series 15. Efficient Extended Boolean Retrieval 16. Extending Attribute Information for Small DataSet Classification 17. Fuzzy Orders-of-Magnitude-Based Link Analysisfor Qualitative Alias Detection 18. Holistic Top-k Simple Shortest Path Join inGraphs 19. Identifying Evolving Groups in Dynamic MultimodeNetworks 20. Incremental Information Extraction UsingRelational Databases DOT NET-NETWORK SECURITY PROJECT TITLE 1. A Stochastic Model of Multivirus Dynamics 2. A Taxonomy of Buffer Overflow Characteristics 3. Compiler-Directed Soft Error Mitigation forEmbedded Systems 4. Conditional Diagnosability of Augmented Cubesunder the PMC Model 5. Data-Provenance Verification For Secure Hosts 6. Detecting and Resolving Firewall PolicyAnomalies 7. Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring OutgoingMessages 8. Enforcing Mandatory Access Control in CommodityOS to Disable Malware 9. Extending Attack Graph-Based Security Metricsand Aggregating Their Application 10. Incentive Compatible Privacy-PreservingDistributed Classification 11. Iterative Trust and Reputation Management UsingBelief Propagation 12. Large Margin Gaussian Mixture Models withDifferential Privacy 13. Low Energy Online Self-Test of EmbeddedProcessors in Dependable WSN Nodes 14. M-Score A Misuseability Weight Measure 15. On Privacy of Encrypted Speech Communications 16. Quantitative Analysis of Consensus Algorithms 17. Recommendation Models for Open Authorization 18. Remote Attestation with Domain-Based IntegrityModel and Policy Analysis PARALLEL DISTRIBUTION PROJECT TITLE 1. A Cluster-on-a-Chip Architecture forHigh-Throughput Phylogeny Search 2. A Framework for Routing Performance Analysis inDelay Tolerant Networks 3. with Application to Noncooperative Networks 4. A Network Coding Equivalent Content DistributionScheme for Efficient 5. Peer-to-Peer Interactive VoD Streaming 6. A QoS Oriented Vertical Handoff Scheme forWiMAXWLAN Overlay Networks 7. A Secure Erasure Code-Based Cloud Storage Systemwith Secure Data Forwarding 8. A Survey of State Persistency in Peer-to-PeerMassively Multiplayer Online Games 9. A Transport-Friendly NIC for MulticoreMultiprocessor Systems 10. Accelerating Matrix Operations with ImprovedDeeply Pipelined Vector Reduction 11. Adaptive Forwarding Delay Control for VANET DataAggregation 12. An Efficient Adaptive Deadlock-Free RoutingAlgorithm for Torus Networks 13. An Efficient Prediction-Based Routing inDisruption-Tolerant Networks 14. An MDP-Based Dynamic Optimization Methodologyfor Wireless Sensor Networks 15. ASM Adaptive Voice Stream Multicast overLow-Power Wireless Networks 16. Autonomic Placement of Mixed Batch andTransactional Workloads 17. Balancing the Trade-Offs between Query Delay andData Availability in MANETs 18. BEES Bioinspired backbone Selection in WirelessSensor Networks 19. Bounding the Impact of Unbounded Attacks inStabilization 20. Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers inWireless Sensor Networks 21. CLOSER A Collaborative Locality-Aware OverlayService 22. Communication-Aware Globally-Coordinated On-ChipNetworks NETWORKING PROJECT TITLE 1. A Mathematical Framework for Analyzing AdaptiveIncentive Protocols in P2P Networks 2. Abnormally Malicious Autonomous Systems andTheir Internet Connectivity 3. BGP Churn Evolution A Perspective From the Core 4. Congestion-Dependent Pricing and ForwardContracts for Complementary Segments 5. of a Communication Network 6. DAC Generic and Automatic Address Configurationfor Data Center Networks Mobile Computing PROJECT TITLE 1. Local Broadcast Algorithms in Wireless Ad HocNetworks Reducing the Number of Transmissions 2. Low Power Consumption Solutions for MobileInstant Messaging 3. MAC in Motion Impact of Mobility on the MAC ofDrive-Thru Internet 4. Maximum Entropy Principle-Based Algorithm forSimultaneous Resource Location and 5. Multihop Routing in Multiagent Networks 6. Mining Spectrum Usage Data A Large-ScaleSpectrum Measurement Study 7. OLM Opportunistic Layered Multicasting forScalable IPTV over Mobile WiMAX 8. On Reliable Broadcast in Low Duty-Cycle WirelessSensor Networks 9. Nature-Inspired Self-Organization, Control, andOptimization in Heterogeneous 10. Wireless Networks 11. On the Origins of Heavy-Tailed Delay in DynamicSpectrum Access Networks 12. Positional Accuracy Measurement and ErrorModeling for Mobile Tracking 13. ProSpect A Proactive Spectrum Handoff Frameworkfor Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc 14. Networks without Common Control Channel 15. Protecting Location Privacy in Sensor Networksagainst a Global Eavesdropper 16. Relay-Assisted Transmission with FairnessConstraint for Cellular Networks 17. Resource-Aware Video Multicasting via AccessGateways in Wireless Mesh Networks 18. Resource-Optimized Quality-Assured AmbiguousContext Mediation Framework in Pervasive Environments 19. Risk-Aware Distributed Beacon Scheduling forTree-Based ZigBee Wireless Networks 20. Scalable Activity-Travel Pattern MonitoringFramework for Large-Scale City Environment 21. Secure Initialization of Multiple ConstrainedWireless Devices for an Unaided User 22. Shaping Throughput Profiles in Multihop WirelessNetworks A Resource-Biasing Approach

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Java Java is high-level object oriented programming language developed by sun microsystem. java originally called oak then renamed as java. Java is an object oriented programming language similar to c and c++. Java source code files are compiled into format called bytecode. Java code can run on most computer because java interpreter and runtime environments knows as java virtual machine (jvm). Java byte code can also converted directly into machine language instructions by just-in-time compiler (JIT) . Java is a general purpose programming language with a number of features. A small java application called java applet. Java is used mainly on the internet and uses a virtual machine. The most common java programs are applications and applets. Application is nothing but programs. Applets are similer to application, but they don’t run standalone. Java oops(Object Oriented Programs) Java is object oriented programming language. These include class, method, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism etc. objects is collection of state and behavior. Class is blueprint of which object is created. Inheritance provides a mechanism for organizing and structuring your software. Interface is connection between a class and outside world. A package is a namespace that organizes set of related classes and interfaces. Encapsulation is the technique of making field in a class. The main purpose of encapsulation is the ability to modify to implemented code without breaking the code of other who use our code. Features of encapsulation are maintainability, flexibility, extensibility to our code. Polymorphism means ability to take more than one form.

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