Monday 8 April 2013

PHP Training and MySQL Training

PHP Training and MySQL Training

The MySQL database and PHP programming language provide a powerful, open, and free platform for developing database-driven Web sites. Put these technologies to immediate use after taking Accelebrate's MySQL or PHP training!! Our on-site training offerings for PHP and MySQL include: PHP Training with MySQL is an introductory course in the PHP and MySQL technology. Students will receive hands-on training in PHP programming language, and an introduction to MySQL database administration, SQL database language, and web development principles.
PHP training
Introduction to PHP and Drupal Development
Introduction to PHP
Advanced PHP
Building Data-Driven PHP Web Sites with Dreamweaver training
MYSQL Training
MySQL Training: Introduction to MySQL Development and Administration
Introduction to SQL Using MySQL training
Building Data-Driven MySQL Web Sites with Dreamweaver training

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing This valuable information.
    PHP Training in dhennai
